At Eastern Regional Family Resource Network, Inc., we have a vision to be the
premier resource for substance abuse prevention & education: changing lives, saving futures.
Our mission is to join arms with our community members to identify root causes & design effective strategies that will affect community level change.
As a coalition of partners & community sectors, we work togehter to prevent the onset of first substance use & reduce youth substance abuse rates by providing information, enhancing skills, providing support, reducing barriers, changing consequences and modifying policies resulting in positive community level change on the subject of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD).
A group of committed professional and grass root members who work together with the common goal of influencing the long- term healthy and drug-free impacts in our communities.
To promote a culture of drug free living and reduce harmful and risky behaviors among our youth. To bring together the resources of multiple organizations and the community to create a sustainable coalition.
Aimee Cardot, ONTRACK! Coalition Coordinator
304-530-5480 x 103
108 South Fork Road, Moorefield, WV 26847
Combating Addiction & Substance Abuse
Introducing PITAR - Prevention, Intervention, Treatment, Anti-Stigma, Recovery
PITAR is a coalition of like-minded organization, agencies, and individuals with the mutual goal of reducing Substance Use Disorders.
Our Mission: We are a network to identify, make connections, and expand addiction related serves in the areas of prevention, intervention, treatment, anti-stigma and recovery. PITAR has regular meetings to resolve problems related to substance use faced by our community.
Our Vision: To eliminate the burden of substance abuse in our community while fostering a community environment of health and wellness and promoting resilience. We envision a community where people are healthy and safe, have no access to illegal drugs, and do not misue drugs.

Our Goals​
Increase prevention efforts in the Grant County Schools and among our youth with targeted initiatives for prescription drug abuse prevention, heroin abuse prevention, and methamphetamine abuse prevention, in addition to alcohol and tobacco abuse prevention efforts already in place.
Enhance law enforcement efforts to reduce the sales and distribution of legal and illegal drugs in our county
Greater efforts to divert people with a history of criminal substance abuse into the day report system and drug courts.
Increase the number of people with substance abuse use disorder entering treatment
Enhance the availability of current substance abuse use treatment programs and providers
Promote anti-stigma activities through education on the disease model of addiction and a greater acceptance of medication assisted treatment (MAT) through the use of medication such as Vivitrol.
Promote the training of providers in the use of naloxone and increase access to naloxone for community use.
Develop a syringe exchange program in Grant County
Enhanced support for their recovery community in Grant County with increased access to meetings and funding for potential recovery initiatives
Increased community awareness of the problem of substance abuse disorder in our community through data-driven public service announcements, community round-table discussions and building on existing substance abuse coalitions.
​Agencies involved in this include The Potomac Highlands Guild, DHHR, The Russ Hedrick Recovery Resource Center, Celebrate Recovery, The Grant County Commission, the Grant County Board of Education, the Grant County Health Department, WQWV/WELD, The PH Anti-Stigma Program, The PH Prevention Program, the Ministerial Association, The Eastern Family Resource Network, Petersburg Police Department, Grant County Sheriff's Department, the Grant County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, Grant County Probation, US Probation Office for the Northern District of West Virginia, Hampshire County Pathways, Berkeley County Community Recovery Resource Center, the Grant County Press, and many concerned and passionate citizens of Grant County.

YES: Youth Experts Speak | OnTrack
In Fall 2020, OnTrack! Anti-Drug Coalition created and initiated the YES: Youth Experts Speak youth voice project. Materials include questions for a guided conversation led by adults with groups of young people they already know.
OnTrack! wants to listen and here is what some of our local young people had to say:
On virtual learning:
"People who are extroverts and want to see others are going to continue to struggle with it, and I worry about some people's mental health as we continue to social distance.
How do we provide those social interactions in this new setting?"
On vaping:
"People don't realize it is addictive or that there are long-term repercussions."
"If adults are doing it they don't want to talk about it because they don't want to be a hypocrite."
On Community:
"There are people that need and want help. We need to find paths to help them move forward."
Are you interested in leading a YES: Youth Experts Speak conversation?
Would you like to help OnTrack! respond to our kids' needs?​ Contact ontrack@erfrn.info

Dispose of Prescription Medications Safely
Do you know the dangers of improper prescription drug disposal?
Help protect the environment, our water supply, and keep our children and pets safe by disposing of your prescriptions in a safe, responsible way.

Hampshire & Mineral Counties
WV State Police - Hampshire County
525 Depot St., Romney, WV 26757
Hampshire County Sheriff
66 N High St. #2 Romney, WV 26757
Hampshire County Health Department
16189 Northwestern Pike, Augusta, WV 26704
Lambert Drug
22630 Northwestern Pike, Romney, WV 26757
Mineral County Detention Center
100 East St., Keyser, WV 26726
Jefferson County
Shepherdstown Police Department
104 N King St., Shepherdstown, WV 25438
Ranson Police Department
700 N Preston St., Ranson, WV 25438
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office
102 Industrial Blvd, Kearneysville, WV 25430

Locations to Safely Dispose
Prescription Drugs in our Community:
Grant County
Judy's Drug Store
24 N Main St., Petersburg, WV 26847
Grant Memorial Hospital
117 Hospital Dr., Petersburg, WV 26847
Hardy County
Hardy County Sheriff's Office
204 Washington St. #119, Moorefield, WV 26836
Wardensville Town Hall Office Building
25 Warrior Way, Wardensville, WV 26851
Pendleton County
Pendleton County Sheriff's Office
100 S Main St., Franklin, WV 26807(
WV State Police - Pendleton County
3823 Blue Gray Trail, Franklin, WV 26807
Berkeley County
Berkeley County Sheriff's Department
510 S Raleigh St., Martinsburg, WV 25401